We’ve not posted a fresh blog for a while now, and the world has changed immensely since we posted back in September 2019.

As we write this, we find the world in the midst on the Covid-19 crisis, and though we feel there is lots to learn and opportunity from the situation, adaptation to the isolation needs come first.

As such we are adjusting the style, content and frequency of releasing episodes of The People’s Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast. We normally release episodes at 10am on Tuesday’s, but to be a friend in your ear and to help keep you thinking and occupy your time during these unprecedented times, we are aiming to release new episodes at 10am on Tuesday’s Friday’s and Sunday’s. The aim is to continue with that schedule for the duration of much of the UK ‘lockdown’.

Stuart and William, the Presenters of the podcasts will focus on sharing typically honest insights into their own adaptation to the situation, plus idea’s and tips to get you thinking, and adapting yourself. As well as daily activities to keep you engaged with nature, as we go through this shared experience.

You can listen to the latest episode on the podcast section of The People’s Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast’s website https://thepeoplescountryside.co.uk/podcast/ . Or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and most of the other main platforms.

To get notifications direct to your email when a new release has been posted, subscribe ‘free’ here https://subscribebyemail.com/anchor.fm/s/c39e458/podcast/rss

You can also leave us an online voice message on Anchor, so you can challenge us, add your view, or raise a question for us to debate. You never know, you could get to hear your own voice on the podcast. Leave a voice message on Anchor via this link https://anchor.fm/thepeoplescountryside

However you listen, join in with the debates.