The world is becoming more and more out of touch with the natural environment every day. We rely on technology like never before, and are starting to see green spaces across Britain and worldwide deplete at an alarming rate.

Our commitment together with your help is vital to this ongoing project to transform and increase the impact of the work many individuals and groups are doing in nature.  This work will help sustain and protect mother nature, the environment and the planet we depend on for our own survival.

Why should you care?

Technology and the developed world may seem the way forward but no matter how far man develops, we should not forget we are interconnected with nature and so it will always need a voice.

With your help we can improve the state of nature – by promoting it, capturing it on film and in pictorial form which acts as a historical record and tells the stories of those who live, work and enjoy the countryside. This will give those we interview the platform to ask for the help they need.

Our everyday work connects ordinary people like you with the great outdoors, showing you the benefits of nature, what you can experience and how you can give back to it, by nurturing the natural world that surrounds us all.

A nature sensory workshop led by Stuart "The Wildman" Mabbutt. Image by William Mankelow, Shot At An Angle
A nature sensory workshop led by Stuart “The Wildman” Mabbutt. Image by William Mankelow, Shot At An Angle

It’s not necessarily about knowing different types of birds or plants, it’s about having an awareness of the nature and wildlife all around you that you might be missing – and this applies to people living in the city. It’s about engaging your senses, enjoying the walk to the shop, the commute to work, the journey home.

We are surrounded by ecosystems wherever we live. By documenting how we can all live more sustainably, and in a balanced way, is not only do-able but worthwhile too. We can all do more to protect and support our environment making the planet more liveable and a viable proposition for all life.

Our team is committed to making regular filming and recording trips to help the state of nature around Britain and potentially around the world. This is why we need your support to get on the road again and over to Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands not to far from the French coast. We need 356 people to donate an average of £30 and we hit our target. A 1 pence donation is just as welcome, it all helps. We know you’ll agree, that’s a very realistic target.

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