This autumn, basing ourselves at Jubilee Hospital Radio, Princess Elizabeth Hospital in St Martins, Guernsey, we will spend two days on the island and over both mornings producing live 1hr episodes of our radio show Going Wild With Wildlife. With guests who are working out in nature that need a platform to ask for the help they need to make their work and impact on nature more effective.

Jubilee Hospital Radio already transmit our 30 minutes radio show each Saturday at 3pm and these one off live shows will give you the listeners an opportunity to offer the help needed.

In the afternoons, we will explore the coastal path around Guernsey, and look at the personal stories of the commemorative benches along the route. Then get an authentic hands on experience of those working to protect nature that we interviewed in the morning on the radio,  but this time via our TV/Online show The Peoples Countryside. Giving them a more visual platform to ask viewers for the particular help they need to make their work in nature even better.

We are intrigued to find out what help is actually needed out there on the front line as it were. We will be pleased to be working on the frontline ourselves, its what drives us forward, to continue giving nature a voice.

If you know anybody who is working to protect nature on the island of Guernsey, and they really need extra help, drop us an email [email protected] and we will see if we can line up an interview on our radio show, Going Wild with Wildlife and our TV/Online show, The People’s Countryside.

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