Nature has a voice, but is it always heard?
We’re a group working to improve the state of the environment by making it’s voice heard through podcasts, photography, radio, audio, talks, workshops and walks, writing and on the stage.
We aim to keep taking The People’s Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast format, in front of a live audience, in the form of Environmental Debate Live And Unscripted. Making it experiential to imprint more deeply the learning, alongside challenging habits, assumptions and mindsets.
Giving us and the audience tangible ideas, actions, links, connections, collaborations and pathways to a new future, leading us all forward in more sustainable ways.
Our work is currently self funded, however ultimately we seek sponsorship, affiliate partnerships, and grant funding from organisations who recognise and value the importance of our work.
Making the environment part of daily life is a key first step to wanting to protect it.
You can email us at [email protected]
Sign the Petition – Improve The Oxfordshire Countryside Accessibility For All Disabilities And Abilities: https://www.change.org/p/improve-the-oxfordshire-countryside-accessibility-for-all-disabilities-and-abilities
Fundraiser For An Extreme 8 All-terrain Wheelchair: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wildmanonwheels

Meet Our Team
All materials on this site are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws
and are the property of The People’s Countryside, produced by Wildman Productions.
Unless stated otherwise, you may access and download the materials
located on thepeoplescountryside.co.uk only for personal, non-commercial use.